LEAF XCEED Music Division – Winter Sunshine, Contradanza & Town Of Leaves v2

Download Links:
1. Winter Sunshine: http://www.mediafire.com/?dynjnmr2n4m
2. Contradanza: http://www.mediafire.com/?x2nwymzzygh
3. Town Of Leaves v2: http://www.mediafire.com/?v2odgjjw3no


Well, this is a fir-…second. Second time I released a 3-in-1 post. XD The reason being that, through various reasons, I finished all of these three tracks on the same day. Winter Sunshine just needed a title, Contradanza lacked just one part and Town Of Leaves v2 had a source; the original Town Of Leaves MIDI. So, now to elaborate on the three…

Winter Sunshine is actually a remix of a track from the True Remembrance soundtrack named Hunya2. The reason why this remix was created, unlike A Memory which was made just because the original song Kokoro was freakin’ awesome, was mainly because I bumped into a fellow True Remembrance fan on deviantART. THAT’S ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE TO DO BECAUSE THE FANBASE IS SMALL AND THE VISUAL NOVEL IS WAAAAAAAY UNDERRATED. OH, AND I’M BLACKIRIS. D: (in account name XD) So there was discussion on how awesome True Remembrance was and how little the amount of fanart for it was on dA. And then it got into talking about the awesome soundtrack. And then the favorite songs from the VN. And then a request I actually fulfilled. Ta-da. 😀 Thanks again to Neko-no-Aruki for the ideas!

Contradanza…people who’re big fans of the violinist Vanessa-Mae may know this track. It’s a neo-classical composition of hers that has been one of the more popular ones in her discography and has even been covered by others on not just violins, but also electric guitars. So I decided to remix it myself, LEAF X MD style. This actually has been delayed multiple times, and a “get this over with” mindset was used in finishing this, so you may complain about the drums parts being reused if you’re gonna go all technical on me. >>;

Town Of Leaves v2 is v2 for a reason. Not known to many, the original Town Of Leaves was a MIDI remix I made years back and submitted to the best Video Game MIDI archive out there. So, only people who got it from there and fans of Cave Story from the Miraigamer forums would actually know the original. I couldn’t do this because of my setup not working well with the remix in general (the setup didn’t matter as much in MIDI as it does in DAWs) but I used my newest setup on this one and it just so happened to work just right! P.S., still ends after one playthrough, but doesn’t end as abruptly as before. XDD

~ by rtnario on March 4, 2010.

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